Freie Universität Berlin
Institut für Philosophie
Habelschwerdter Allee 30
14195 Berlin
Universität Konstanz
Fachbereich Philosophie
Universitätstrasse 10
78464 Konstanz
Freie Universität Berlin
Institut für Philosophie
Habelschwerdter Allee 30
14195 Berlin
Universität Konstanz
Fachbereich Philosophie
Universitätstrasse 10
78464 Konstanz
11/2019 Stefan Fischer and I are organizing a Workshop on Moral Terms, Slurs, and Hybrid Expressivism with David Copp (UC Davies) at the University of Konstanz.
11/2019 Paper has been accepted
Prof. Dr. Jochen Briesen
Professur für Theoretische Philosophie
Philosophisches Seminar
Universität Heidelberg
Schulgasse 6
69117 Heidelberg
I have taught more than 40 courses/lectures at the philosophy departments of the University of Konstanz, the University of Bonn, the University of Cologne, Humboldt-University Berlin and Freie Universität Berlin. The courses covered various topics in theoretical philosophy, aesthetics and history of philosophy. Additionally, I have supervised more than 30 BA- and MA-Theses.
In 2019 and 2015 I received the LUKS Teaching Award (University of Konstanz).
Courses Taught
Knowledge and Language/ Erkenntnis und Sprache
(winter term 2021) University Cologne
Skepticism / Skeptizismus
(winter term 2020) Humboldt-University Berlin
Introduction to epistemology / Kernkurs Erkenntnistheorie
(summer term 2019) University of Konstanz & (summer term 2020) Humboldt-University Berlin.
Logic and formal semantics / Logisch-Semantische Propädeutik
(winter term 2018) University of Konstanz
Introduction to philosophy of language / Kernkurs Sprachphilosophie
(winter term 2014) University of Konstanz
Undergraduate seminars/ Proseminare
Beauty and Aesthetic Values / Schönheit und ästhetische Werte
(winter 2021) University Cologne
Nelson Goodman's Theory of Symbols / Nelson Goodmans Symboltheorie
(winter 2020) Humboldt-University Berlin
The concept of art / Der Begriff der Kunst
(summer 2020) Humboldt-University Berlin & (winter 2019), University of Konstanz
Descartes: Meditations / Descartes: Meditationen über die Grundlagen der Philosophie
(winter 2019) University of Konstanz & (summer 2017) Freie Universität Berlin
Meaning in music / Sinn und Bedeutung in der Musik
(summer 2019), University of Konstanz
Dispositions and response-dependency / Dispositionen und Reaktionsabhängigkeit
(winter 2018), University of Konstanz & (summer term 2018) Freie Universität Berlin
Contemporary debates in epistemology / Zeitgenöss. Debatten in der Erkenntnistheorie
(winter 2017) Freie Universität Berlin
Kripke: Naming and Necessity / Kripke: Name und Notwendigkeit
(summer 2020) Humboldt-University Berlin) & (winter 2016), Freie Universität Berlin & (summer term 2014) University of Konstanz)
Non-Cognitivism / Non-Kognitivismus
(winter 2015) Freie Universität Berlin
Conceptual Analysis / Begriffsanalyse
(summer 2015) University of Konstanz
Contemporary debates in philosophy of art / Zeitgenöss. Debatten in der Philosophie der Kunst
(winter 2013) University of Konstanz
The analytic-synthetic distinction / Die Analytisch-Synthetisch Unterscheidung
(summer 2013) University of Konstanz
Speech-act theory / Sprechakttheorie
(winter 2012) University of Konstanz
Philosophy of language / Sprachphilosophie
(summer 2012) University of Konstanz
Skepticism / Skeptizismus
(winter 2011) University of Konstanz
Introdution to the philosophy of mind / Einführung in die Philosophie des Geistes
(summer 2011) University of Konstanz
Russell: Problems of philosophy / Russell: Probleme der Philosophie
(winter 2010) University of Konstanz
Theories of truth / Wahrheitstheorien
(summer 2010) University of Bonn
Graduate seminars/ Hauptseminare
Interdisciplinary Research Colloquium, a.r.t.e.s graduate school,
(winter 2021) University Cologne
Semantic Relativism and Assessment-Sensitivity
(winter 2020) Humboldt-Universiy Berlin
Aesthetic Judgments / Ästhetische Urteile
(summer 2020) Humboldt-University Berlin
Two-dimensional semantics / Zweidimensionale Semantik
(winter 2019) University of Konstanz
Inference to the best explanation / Schluss auf die beste Erklärung
(winter 2019) University of Konstanz
Kant: Critique of pure reason / Kant: Die Kritik der reinen Vernunft
(summer term 2019) University of Konstanz
Skeptical paradoxes / Skeptische Paradoxa
(winter 2018) University of Konstanz & (summer 2014) University of Konstanz
Epistemic aims and values / Epistemische Ziele und Werte
(summer 2018), Freie Universität Berlin
Crispin Wright: Truth and Objectivity
(winter 2017), Freie Universität Berlin
Relativism and assessment sensitivity
(winter 2016), Freie Universität Berlin & (summer 2011) University of Konstanz
Artefacts / Artefakte
(summer 2016) University of Konstanz
What is art? / Was ist Kunst?
(summer 2015) University of Konstanz
New theories of reference / Neue Theorien der Bezugnahme
(winter 2013) Freie Universität Berlin
Timothy Williamson: The philosophy of philosophy
(summer 2013) University of Konstanz
David Chalmers: The conscious mind
(winter 2012) University of Konstanz
Philosophy of music / Philosophie der Musik
(summer 2012) University of Konstanz
Nelson Goodman: Languages of art
(winter 2011) University of Konstanz
Contextualism / Kontextualismus
(summer 2011) University of Konstanz