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11/2019 Stefan Fischer and I are organizing a Workshop on Moral Terms, Slurs, and Hybrid Expressivism with David Copp (UC Davies) at the University of Konstanz. 


11/2019  Paper has been accepted


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Prof. Dr. Jochen Briesen

Professur für Theoretische Philosophie

Philosophisches Seminar
Universität Heidelberg
Schulgasse 6
69117 Heidelberg




I have taught more than 40 courses/lectures at the philosophy departments of the University of Konstanz, the University of Bonn, the University of Cologne, Humboldt-University Berlin and Freie Universität Berlin. The courses covered various topics in theoretical philosophy, aesthetics and history of philosophy.  Additionally, I have supervised more than 30 BA- and MA-Theses. 


In 2019 and 2015 I received the LUKS Teaching Award (University of Konstanz).

Courses Taught











Knowledge and Language/ Erkenntnis und Sprache

(winter term 2021) University Cologne


Skepticism / Skeptizismus

(winter term 2020) Humboldt-University Berlin


Introduction to epistemology / Kernkurs Erkenntnistheorie

(summer term 2019) University of Konstanz & (summer term 2020) Humboldt-University Berlin.


Logic and formal semantics / Logisch-Semantische Propädeutik 

(winter term 2018) University of Konstanz


Introduction to philosophy of language / Kernkurs Sprachphilosophie

(winter term 2014) University of Konstanz


Undergraduate seminars/ Proseminare









Beauty and Aesthetic Values / Schönheit und ästhetische Werte

(winter 2021) University Cologne


Nelson Goodman's Theory of Symbols / Nelson Goodmans Symboltheorie

(winter 2020) Humboldt-University Berlin


The concept of art / Der Begriff der Kunst

(summer 2020) Humboldt-University Berlin & (winter 2019), University of Konstanz


Descartes: Meditations / Descartes: Meditationen über die Grundlagen der Philosophie 

(winter 2019) University of Konstanz & (summer 2017) Freie Universität Berlin


Meaning in music / Sinn und Bedeutung in der Musik

(summer 2019), University of Konstanz


Dispositions and response-dependency / Dispositionen und Reaktionsabhängigkeit

(winter 2018), University of Konstanz & (summer term 2018) Freie Universität Berlin


Contemporary debates in epistemology / Zeitgenöss. Debatten in der Erkenntnistheorie

(winter 2017) Freie Universität Berlin


Kripke: Naming and Necessity / Kripke: Name und Notwendigkeit

(summer 2020) Humboldt-University Berlin) & (winter 2016), Freie Universität Berlin & (summer term 2014) University of Konstanz)


Non-Cognitivism / Non-Kognitivismus

(winter 2015) Freie Universität Berlin


Conceptual Analysis / Begriffsanalyse

(summer 2015) University of Konstanz


Contemporary debates in philosophy of art / Zeitgenöss. Debatten in der Philosophie der Kunst

(winter 2013) University of Konstanz


The analytic-synthetic distinction / Die Analytisch-Synthetisch Unterscheidung

(summer 2013) University of Konstanz


Speech-act theory / Sprechakttheorie

(winter 2012) University of Konstanz


Philosophy of language / Sprachphilosophie

(summer 2012) University of Konstanz


Skepticism / Skeptizismus

(winter 2011) University of Konstanz


Introdution to the philosophy of mind / Einführung in die Philosophie des Geistes

(summer 2011) University of Konstanz


Russell: Problems of philosophy / Russell: Probleme der Philosophie

(winter 2010) University of Konstanz


Theories of truth / Wahrheitstheorien

(summer 2010) University of Bonn


Graduate seminars/ Hauptseminare









Interdisciplinary Research Colloquium, a.r.t.e.s graduate school,

(winter 2021) University Cologne


Semantic Relativism and Assessment-Sensitivity

(winter 2020) Humboldt-Universiy Berlin


Aesthetic Judgments / Ästhetische Urteile

(summer 2020) Humboldt-University Berlin


Two-dimensional semantics / Zweidimensionale Semantik

(winter 2019) University of Konstanz


Inference to the best explanation / Schluss auf die beste Erklärung

(winter 2019) University of Konstanz


Kant: Critique of pure reason / Kant: Die Kritik der reinen Vernunft

(summer term 2019) University of Konstanz


Skeptical paradoxes / Skeptische Paradoxa

(winter 2018) University of Konstanz & (summer 2014) University of Konstanz


Epistemic aims and values / Epistemische Ziele und Werte

(summer 2018), Freie Universität Berlin


Crispin Wright: Truth and Objectivity

(winter 2017), Freie Universität Berlin


Relativism and assessment sensitivity

(winter 2016), Freie Universität Berlin & (summer 2011) University of Konstanz


Artefacts / Artefakte

(summer 2016) University of Konstanz


What is art? / Was ist Kunst?

(summer 2015) University of Konstanz


New theories of reference / Neue Theorien der Bezugnahme

(winter 2013) Freie Universität Berlin


Timothy Williamson: The philosophy of philosophy

(summer 2013) University of Konstanz


David Chalmers: The conscious mind

(winter 2012) University of Konstanz


Philosophy of music / Philosophie der Musik

(summer 2012) University of Konstanz


Nelson Goodman: Languages of art

(winter 2011) University of Konstanz


Contextualism / Kontextualismus

(summer 2011) University of Konstanz

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